Rituals, humor, and metaphor in psychotherapy
Workshops could include:
Live consultations with families, couples, and individuals on CCTV. Live clinical supervision of members of the audience who volunteer to present cases where they are stuck with families that they are treating or where they are stuck somewhere in their own lives.
Lectures about: Three-generational family therapy; information gathering techniques to generate clinical hypotheses for therapeutic rituals and metaphors; using metaphor, humor, and rituals in psychotherapy; the therapeutic use of self.
Breaking Vases
Three sessions of working with three-generations that include a single parent mother and her parents where the presenting problem is an angry 9-year-old with behavioral problems in school and who breaks Pre-Columbian art in their home. In English; Subtitles in Spanish and French are also available.
The Bambini and the Tiger
Three-generational family therapy where the presenting problem is a violent 35-year-old son who chronically abuses drugs. Also available with subtitles in Spanish.
Damaged Goods
Brief systemic therapy which demonstrations the therapeutic use of ritual, humor, and metaphor in four sessions of individual therapy. DVD also available with subtitles in Spanish.
Only in the kitchen
A young couple married for less than two years presents problems with their respective parents as well as emotional and sexual problems with each other. This is an edited tape of the initial consultation only. Some of the clinical issues include: helping each partner further separate from their respective families; identifying and resolving marital issues related to closeness, control, sexuality, and gender differences. DVD is also available with subtitles in Spanish and in French.
Other training tapes and DVDs are available and described on this website under THE TRAINING TAPES